Charlemange-Season 2021/2022
Our first attempt for competing at the “Eco-marathon” 2022
Our competitor for the “Eco-marathon” 2022
With the founders of Ecogenium having spent a long time gathering funds and designing an efficient fuel cell system, we went to our first ever Shell Eco Marathon in order to compete with our car against other universities in the category urban-concept. In this category the car has to have certain convenience features like lights, wiper, horn and a storage compartment while being as efficient as possible on the track.

Quick facts:
- weigth: 225 kg
- max speed: 55 km/h
- energy conversion trough 3 kW liquid cooled PEM fuel cell
- consumption rate: 374 g/100km
- motor power: 2 x 1 kW
Vehicle highlights
Aeroshell and chassis
For our first attempt we focused on manufacturing an easy to build aeroshell. Therefore, we started with a handcrafted Styrofoam and wood mould. The aeroshell was manufactured in a carbon fibre lay-up with infusion. We have a simple ground plate design as a structural base with an angled wall for security and added stability between the driver compartment and the fuel-cell compartment made out of a carbon with a foam core. For simplicity and to save weight, we omitted the suspension of the motorcycle breaks and wheels.
We have used two 1kw bike hub motors with FSESC 4.20 motor controllers. The hub motors directly drive the wheels and are mounted on custom designed rims. We have omitted a suspension in order to save weight.

Electrical and fuelcell system
The power supplied for driving and our main system comes from a 3 kW fuel cell system. Then this power is supplied to the DC/DCs that convert the power to the needed voltage levels for our components, the compressor, ionizer and the central control unit. Additionally, the accessory battery supplies the functions needed for safety like wipers, lights and the horn.